Saturday, March 8, 2008

Malignant chacracteristics of a breast lesion

MRI - Sensitivity - 93% Specificity - 70%
1. Opacity
2. Enhancement pattern : patchy
- invasive: pheripheral or rim
- DCIS : linear
3. Type 3 time intensity curve
- early steep rise within 5 mts with a 70% increase in SI
- rapid washout
4. Tumour recurrence – radiation fibrosis does not enhance after 18 mts

Ultrasound :
Poorly reflective
Ill defined
Heterogenous internal echo pattern
Absent farwall echoes
Posterior acoustic shadowing
Taller than wide

Mammography:UOQ - 50% Retroareolar 18%
Opacity - stellate,spiculated,comet tail
- high density
- nonhomogenous
- wide halo
Asymmetric Density
Microcalcification – 30% of cases
- < 0.5 mm & > 5 particles per cc
- segmental, cluster distribution
- pleomorphic : linear, branching, punctate
- eccentric location in opacity

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